Our Safe, Neat and Baby-Friendly Crèche

Our day-care provides succour for working class parents, who need to balance the needs to pursue their daily endeavours and provide excellent care for their children. Our day-care is baby-friendly, and suitable for kids from 9 months to 2 years. We provide a safe, loving, and caring enviroment that enables the kids to play, rest, learn, and grow.

    Our very devoted day-care team schedule daily routines, having different fun and educative activities to engage the kids with. Each child is monitored, and our day-care staff nuture cordial relationships with the children and their parents/guardians; giving feedbacks to the parents/guardians on the growth, development, and special needs of their children/wards. Our trained help the kids in changing their diapers, bathing, preparing bottles, feeding, assist with sand, play-ground and water activities, and assist in putting the kids to bed when they sleep.
    "Our day-care is neat, safe, well-illumnated, colourful and very condusive for children to play, eat, learn, and rest.