Our Primary Level

Our primary level is suitable for pupils from ages 5-15. From Primary 1, our pupils are being taken on a journey that guarantees successful primary education and prepares them for secondary education. Our qualified teachers ensure that the pupils are thoroughly taken through the primary school syllabus, as outlined by the Education Ministry. The school curriculum for our primary pupils is well-rounded and gives a good foundation for whatever career field the pupils choose in the future- be it Science, Arts, or Commerce. At victory, the pupils' experience goes beyond the clasroom walls. Our pupils engage in sports, debates, and other activities that help them to learn teamwork, develop new skills, and gain confidence.

    Our primary pupils are exposed to practical and knowledge-based education in different subjects. Beyond theoretical lessons in class, our primary pupils gain hands-on experience in different subjects like Art, Science, and Computer. These help to identify each kid's skill(s), and help the pupils to identify their area(s) of interest(s).Vocational subjects help to develop childrens' problem solving skills, creativity, and overall enhances the technical capacities required for their future careers.
    Providing qualitative education is our focus at VNPS, and our results speak for us. Our pupils had competed in many competitions across the state and have triumphed among the best. Some of our old pupils had from here gained admission to the best federal and state unity schools, military schools, and state colleges. Many of our alumni members have given testimonials of our the school had built for them a solid foundation on which they built the success of their secondary and tertiary education. Our primary teachers are all committed to the success of our primary pupils in their secondary school common entrance exams.
    Our primary pupils are trained to be cultured, disciplined, and to obey civil authorities. We emphasise to them that academic excellence is nothing when moral values are lacking. We instill into our pupils the notion that their future is in their hands, and now is the best time to start building character, even as they learn their academic subjects.

    Our pupils are taught in small groups. Many subjects are taught by specialist teachers. Except when the subject taught is a Nigerian language or French, in Victory, the language of instruction/communication is English. In our primary, we place emphasis on English and Mathematics, hence lessons are given daily on the two subjects. Our pupils are given home-work, to keep them busy after school.
    During the course of the term, our pupils are given classroom exercises, take-home assignments, and continous assessment tests, which are submitted to the teachers. The teachers make observations and corrections, helping the pupils to improve in any area of weakness. In victory, excellent performance in exercises, assignments, take-home assignment, and terminal examinations are requisites for promotion to the next class.
    At victory, the pupils' experience goes beyond the clasroom walls. Our pupils engage in sports, debates, and other activities that help them to learn teamwork, develop new skills, and gain confidence.
    Our activities- be it class-work, or playground fun encourage positive interaction among peers. By this, we promote a friendly learning enviroment, as we develop our pupils' social skills. Here is our way of boosting confidence in our pupils, and ensuring none is "lost" in the crowd. Our teachers have been oriented to be supportive to our pupils in their areas of weakness. It is our belief that children are better grounded, and learn quicker when they are confident in themselves.